
The Office of Public Appointments is recruiting a new Commisisoner for the Boundary Commission for Scotland.

Following our 2023 Review of UK Parliament Constituencies, the Pa

Our 2023 Review consultation site '' closed at the end of September 2023.

Our 2023 Review Report was laid before Parliament today 28 June 2023.

We have submitted our 2023 Review Report to the Speaker and copied this to the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Today marks the start of a final 4-week public consultation on our Revised Proposals for the 2023 Review of UK Parliament constituencies.

Today marks the start of a 6-week secondary public consultation on our Initial Proposals for the 2023 Review of UK Parliament constituencies. 

We have announced the dates and locations of the five Public Hearings we will be hosting during the secondary consultation stage of our 2023 Review

Today marks the start of an 8-week public consultation on our Initial Proposals for the 2023 Review of UK Parliament constituencies.
